Stop and Smell the Roses.

Howdy Bloggers, Lisa here with my final TCW blog update for this year.

The year draws to a close and the creativity level is minimal, personally due to other commitments before the holiday season starts, so rather than commit to large projects, its a great time to work at stocking up ones basic supplies. Now I’m not referring to mediums etc, because I’m sure you may get some stash for Christmas, rather, basic elements that provide important details and interesting layers within your pages.

For me, that is Gelli Printing and basic mark making onto standard printing paper. Why pay for it when you can create it yourself.

I do actually get asked occasionally  “What do you do with the gelli papers?” or “How do you use that on your art pages?”. So today I will share with you how I work these sort of papers into my art journal pages.

26 pages gelli printed pages complete in 10 minutes using a selection of TCW Heavy Body Paints and stencils

10 pages of simple black marks to add to my pages using the TCW9002 Black Gesso

From 2 of these pages created above, I have cut simple shapes,following the rose print from the TCW823 Rose Bouquet stencil.

Here is a quick hyperlapse video, to share exactly how I placed and positioned my page elements.

TCW paints used TCW9016 Spun SugarTCW9017 Lemon CustardTCW9020 Raspberry Sorbet  ,  TCW9021 Blueberry Pie.  I also used TCW9001 White Gesso.

I quite like how this one fell together.

Thanks so much for dropping by the TCW blog and supporting all the artists who give of their creativity and time to share and inspire.

A very happy holidays to you all, be safe this festive season and through the new year.

See you all in the new year, sending Peace,Love and Buckets of Creative Energy Your Way.

Lisa xx


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