Stencils In Watercolour Art

Hi there.

Lydell with you today. I am sharing a painting I did this week, using Watercolors, Pan Pastels and The Crafters Workshop Stencils.

Lydell Quin The Crafters Workshop WatercolorI used one of my favourite stencils on this piece!

TCW157 Flower Frenzy….See it on the website HERE.

Lydell Quin The Crafters Workshop Watercolor 4

First I  layed in my base wash (the face) and wet my watercolour Paper.  I then dropped in watercolour paints in purples and blues onto the wet paper.  It melds together and blends on its own.  You can tip the paper in the direction you want the ‘flow’ to go.

Lydell Quin The Crafters Workshop Watercolor 5



I then started adding layers of detail and shading.  I started with the eyes, then moved onto the nose and mouth.

Lydell Quin The Crafters Workshop Watercolor 6

You just keep adding layers, letting each wash dry in between.


Lydell Quin The Crafters Workshop Watercolor 7

You can see her taking shape when the shadows are added.  I used different shades of Purple to add shadows.

Lydell Quin The Crafters Workshop Watercolor 9

Now I got out my stencil and a few shades of Pan Pastels…and a sponge.  I stuck with the lightest collours in the end.  They showed up the best.

Lydell Quin The Crafters Workshop Watercolor 10

Sponge around the stencil and move it to continue the pattern as you move around.  This stencil fits nicely inside each print.

Lydell Quin The Crafters Workshop Watercolor 11


I sprayed the painting with Fixative to stop the Pan Pastels from moving.

I created a Tutorial on Snapguide if you would like to follow through, and see how I did this.

See it HERE.


Thanks for stopping by today.


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