Hello! Lisa Spangler

triangle-singleLisa Spangler spotted a “triangle trend” and decided to apply it to her cardmaking tasks at hand.  Here’s what she writes in her blog (using our wonderful TCW222 Triangle Mosaic) Picture 1






Have you noticed the triangle trend? Seems like it’s popping up everywhere these days whether it’s home decor, fashion, and most of all — cardmaking! So when I spied this triangle template I just had to get it and play!

I just adhered white cardstock to a piece of scratch paper with removable adhesive, then taped the template over top with some washi. Then I went to town sponging on Distress inks in squeezed lemonade, perfect peacock (from the Spring Seasonal Distress pack), spun sugar, and raw persimmon (from the Fall Seasonal Distress pack). I used these sponge daubers to apply the ink — perfect to get in small spaces!

triangle-stencilThat was so fun that I couldn’t stop there — just had to do another! This time I used the template twice: first I made one layer as before, then I moved the template to cover up the completed triangles and added another layer, then I misted the whole shebang with Perfect Pearls and water. Ta dah!  triangle-double

Just love how this came out! I didn’t want to take away from the triangle goodness on either card, so I finished them off with a hello from my Dymo label maker and a fabric Smash tab – love those too, especially how the pinked edge is actually *little* triangles! hee.

And I love these colors together — kinda reminds me of the desert you know? Like in West Texas or New Mexico. Sun, sky, and rocks. So pretty.

And! I made some more cards with the tempting triangle template too — this time using it as a mask and misting it with Mister Huey’s! Will wrap those cards up and show you soon — can’t wait!

We can’t wait either, Lisa. Please keep us posted!!


3 thoughts on “Hello! Lisa Spangler

  1. So glad you like what I came up with using the stencil! I do love triangles, and this stencil just ROCKS. 🙂

    Thanks so much for featuring me — it’s quite an honor! xo

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