Art Journal Page: Money

Step by step tutorial on how to create a fun layerd art journal page using TCW paints and modeling pastes

Hi everyone, Heidi here, today I’m on The Crafter’s Workshop blog with another fun art journal page. This time I wanted to create a dark background and add my focal point in lighter colours on top.

The Crafter’s Workshop provided me with some product to create this project. The opinions I share are solely my own.

Step by step tutorial on how to create a fun layerd art journal page using TCW paints and modeling pastes

Step 1:

Normally I would start out with painting the entire background first, but this time I felt like drawing in the quote first and then painting around it. Today I’m working in a A4-sized journal. To get started I pencilled in the quote using a graphite pencil and then I went over the lines using a black Faber Castell PITT Artist Pen (s).

Then I painted around the quote using a mixture of The Crafter’s Workshop Heavy Body Acrylic Paints in the colours “Grape Jelly”, “Candy Apple Red” and “Spun Sugar”. I mixed the red and the purple to create a nice aubergine colour and added in more white around the inner edges where I felt it was needed.

Step by step tutorial on how to create a fun layerd art journal page using TCW paints and modeling pastes

Step 2:

Then I placed my stencil of choice, on today’s project that is a The Crafter’s Workshop stencil called “Growing Wild” (TCW824s), and placing it on the page where I wanted the flower design to go. Next I applied two colours of The Crafter’s Workshop Metallic Modeling Paste over the stencil, using a different palette knife for each colour, and being careful to keep the paper as flat as possible so that the paste won’t spill too much underneath the stencil (the paper is slightly warped because of the water in the acrylic paints).

If you feel your stencil designs are not neat enough then here is a good tip: make sure the paper is on a hard flat surface and that the paper isn’t warped (too much), make sure your stencil is as flat as possible on the paper (use removable tape and/or hold it flat with your hand) then apply the modeling paste over the stencil with a palette knife and going in only one direction!

On today’s project I used a combination of “Champagne Gold” and “White Pearl” Metallic Modeling Pastes. I started with the white one and then added a bit of the gold where I felt that was needed.

Step by step tutorial on how to create a fun layerd art journal page using TCW paints and modeling pastes

Step 3:

Now you can remove the stencil carefully. I like to wash my stencils in between uses but I know many who don’t, do as you please. I created the same design on the opposite site of my page as well.

Step by step tutorial on how to create a fun layerd art journal page using TCW paints and modeling pastes

Step 4:

And then I added the same design on two other places as well because the page still felt a bit empty but I didn’t wanted it to be too busy by adding in another design. And to finish this project I created some splatters using a contrasting bright green colour using Pearl Colors by Finetec GmbH in “Apple Green”. That’s it for today!

And guys, that quote, isn’t that true for all of us?

Some more pictures:

Step by step tutorial on how to create a fun layerd art journal page using TCW paints and modeling pastes
Step by step tutorial on how to create a fun layerd art journal page using TCW paints and modeling pastes
Step by step tutorial on how to create a fun layerd art journal page using TCW paints and modeling pastes
Step by step tutorial on how to create a fun layerd art journal page using TCW paints and modeling pastes
Step by step tutorial on how to create a fun layerd art journal page using TCW paints and modeling pastes

We would love to see what you create with The Crafters Workshop Stencils and Mediums.
You can share it with us on our Facebook page, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest using hashtag #tcwstencillove.

Heidi Jakobs  

The Crafter’s Workshop Design Team Member

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