Hi there! McCall here to share how I make my collage papers. I use them in all sorts of projects like art journaling, illustrations, and all sorts of modpodging projects.
For this project I used these stencils:
Pretty Succulents
Citrus Montage
Doodled Pattern
*The Crafter’s Workshop provided me with some product to create this project. The opinions I share are solely my own.*
Alongside the fabulous stencils provided I also have a basket of objects used to paint more interest on each paper.
First I start by taking deli paper and painting the whole sheet. Deli paper is very thin making it easy to use on all sorts of projects.
Next the fun begins. You stencil, you stamp, you stencil some more, you stamp some more.
Then you continue on creating beautiful varieties of stenciled collage paper to use on all your fabulous arts and crafts projects.
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