DIY Adult Coloring Pages

Hello Creatives!

Design Team Member Keri Sallee here!

If you follow just about any creative feed lately, you know that adult coloring books are all the rage and with the support of studies staying that they aid with relaxation and concentration, the craze is only getting bigger.

Today, I want to show you how fun and EASY it is to make your own and take your creativity a step farther.

Here is what I came up with:


The fun of doing this style “coloring book” is that you can try all sorts of different mediums on one page. For this page I used Faber-Castell Aquarelle watercolor pencils, Faber-Castell pencil pastels, Faber-Castell PITT Artist Markers, and cheap Cra-Z-Art Color Pencils

While you are gathering supplies and deciding what stencils to use, keep these tips in mind:

  1. For my outline, I used a Faber-Castell PITT Artist Pen with a Bold tip. The thicker line gives it more of that “coloring book” feel. It also hides any mistakes. 🙂
  2. When picking stencils, choose one with lots of space. Too small of spaces with make the images not only harder to outline, but also not very much fun to color in.
  3. Gather a variety of coloring supplies, but don’t feel like you have to go out and spend a lot. School supply style color pencils are a fun way to start!
  4. Before you color in your picture, consider scanning it into a digital file on your computer. Then you can reprint them and coloring them in thousands of different ways.

         For this project I used:

TCW570-Woven–TCW384 Well Rounded–TCW324 Hexagons–TCW561 Square Scrolls–TCW578 Whimsical Shrooms–TCW546S Pods on a Stick–TCW580 Graceful Moths–TCW585S Inspired Words

Got your supplies? Let’s get started!

Since I knew I was going to use a variety of mediums, I chose to do my drawing on hot-press watercolor paper.

Start by dividing your paper up into 8 parts:


Choose your stencils and have fun with it!

Snapseed(4) Snapseed(8)

Add some interest to your pages by laying down one image, moving your stencil and outlining more images so they are “behind” your first layer.

Snapseed(3) Snapseed(7)

Keep going! Use a variety of stencil will give you more fun when it comes to the coloring part!

Here is my page before I colored it.


Here is a my colored page again:


A couple close ups:

IMG_7687 IMG_7686 IMG_7685

Here’s another one I started, but I haven’t colored in yet:


I hope you enjoyed today’s tutorial and it inspires you to try something new!


KERI Sallee

Design Team Member and Certified TCW Instructor

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