All I really need is a picture of that TCW203 Circle Grid stencil (above) to be happy. Doesn’t it just look good enough to frame? It looks like it’s saying “Thank you. I’ve had a good life. I’ve been loved well by Carolyn Dube.”
Well obviously I’m not the only crazy person who just likes to see well-loved stencils. Carolyn writes: “The sun is shining, flowers are starting to bloom and the stencils are singing- maybe the birds too but I am only hearing the stencils. The layers of paint that have built up on them have hypnotized me. Not just the “hypnotized from doing laundry and cleaning” (because a paperclip can hypnotize me when it comes to avoiding that stuff); hypnotized from doing the stuff too! What’s been grabbing your attention lately?”
Here are a few images that Carolyn posted last week. Feel free to leave a comment here or on her blog.