These pieces of work are by Camilla Olsson. I think she’s from Sweden (Camilla, please correct me if I’m wrong!!). She has some wonderful posts on her blog and tries to challenge her creativity daily. Take a look:
Can you tell that she’s a real fan of Chevron and Chunky Chevrons?
Oh mycket good! How did I miss this post? I’m honored! Yes I’m from Sweden. Thank you fir this! Love working with your stencils. It makes it all so easy!
Wow! Camilla is from Sweden YES! And she is one of our best!
She is sooo inspiring!
She introduced me to this world of art 16th of september this year 2012! My lucky day… 😉
Sounds like I think she is divine, but she is as human a woman can be!
Thank you a lot to show her art even here!
And I’m trying to write in english!… 😉