Revamp an old craft table… grab those stencils!

Hello there… it’s Leeann here with a revamping project for all of us to do. I have this old craft table sitting in the garage and I normally cover it with a cloth and paint away. But not this week I decide to clear it and give it a wee face lift, with the help of a few stencils  from the crafters workshop which also arrived this week too.

Here’s what stencils I used: 12 x 12 Word Association

12 x 12 Cathedral of love

12 x 12 Repeating Pods

12 x 12 Windmills

Other materials: Assorted house or craft paints, brushes, rollers, masking tape, cloth for dusting, electric sander.

Step 1: I start with an old painted table using some masking tape to secure a few of the stencils in place. I also wanted a few different colored stripes.

TCW project 2 001 Step 2: select your choices and start painting. A couple of coats  and allow to dry.


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 Step 3: Use a roller and carefully roll over the stencils. A couple of coats and allow to dry.

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 Step 4: Once the paint is dry remove masking tapes and stencils. Grab your electric sander and whizz over the top a few times.

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 This is the result of a sand… love it!

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 Step 5:  Grab a another stencil and add just a wee touch more in a few random spots. Allow to dry and give a wee sand to blend in.

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 and again the end result. Its kinda cool don’t yay think.

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 Here she is… my revamped crafting table! I wont be covering this with a cloth and I  can’t wait to add more color to this as I go.TCW project 3 008 Thanks for popping by and I hope you have fun playing with your stencils this weekend!

Leeann Pearce   xxx

3 thoughts on “Revamp an old craft table… grab those stencils!

  1. What a great way to use those stencils. A great inspirational piece for me as I have one of those “distressed” tables that is in the desperate need of a makeover!

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